Read the book gist of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, in simple words and digestible bytes.
This book is authored Dr. Stephen Covey with long and deep research after having studied the hundreds of success stories, and the people behind those success stories.
The book provides great depth and detail. It is 384 pages book which expands and elaborates every single success habit in adequate detail.
For those who are living fast lives with time-tight schedules, and those who may not have enough time or luxury to read the full 384 pages long book, I have tried to take out the book gist of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People to provide a briefest possible understanding of what these habits are and what practically it means to live it.
So that, when someone asks you about the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey, you may easily respond that ‘oh yes, I know’.
Part 1:The first 3 habits focus on your self-development
Part 2: The other 3 Habits focus on the external relationships
Part 3: The last seventh habit is the end of all
If someone has the responsibility to answer back through email and he or she is not responding, what should you do. Be quiet, sit back and do nothing… NO.
Be proactive to send a reminder, pick up a phone, talk to the person and get the answer one way or the other and get the job done. This is being proactive.
If you plan to become wealthy in your life, what should you do, keep thinking, wishing, and trying every business idea, trying to plan with no clarity about how to become wealthy. NO
You should determine your wishes and goals clearly in your mind, craft an action plan for one year, two, three or five years and stick to it patiently and persistently. Yes, you may get the results.
This is truly like beginning with the end in mind.
Should you watch TV and movies for 3 hours a day and forgetting about the completion of writing 1000 words a day for your book. Or whatever you goal may be. NO.
You should prioritize and stick to the action plan and sacrifice 2 hours of TV watching and do your writing even if you are tired. So that you may get the results.
If you are conversing with a spouse, friend, relative, and discussing on the political situation, is it always necessary that you make a point to win the argument every time. NO.
You also must listen to the other point of view and also agree on the neutral points and to make a conducive friendly environment for discussion to have the win-win talk. And this way, you may get the positive results in return with better rapport and relations.
Do you get upset when your spouse, sibling or a friend don’t seem to understand your wishes, dreams well. Should you remain in that stress and self-Pity – NO
You should also try to ask their wishes and dreams about life and future and try to give patient listening and understanding and make them feel understood and then share your own wishes and dreams and they will value that too.
This approach will help to develop a deeper connect with others.
If you develop such a communication habit with one-on-one, should it always remain one-on-one – NO
You should now use these principles in group meetings to understand others first and then expect to be understood. This way, you will develop the synergy, motivation, and more productivity from others.
And this gets the job done better, faster and with motivation.
Now you know what the 6 habits are and may have started experiencing it, should it be all. NO
You should now be particular about sharpening and improving these 6 habits or skills consciously every time you are in any situation.
This will help you become the most effective person in your life, who can achieve anything in life, wealth, health, happiness, and good relationships personally and professionally.
The book gist of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey does a great job of providing a simple recipe for success.
If interested, you may also read another good review on 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
However, as per my own opinion, it is one way of looking at the success ingredients.
Though there may be many more habits in other people or there may be many more successful people in this world who may not necessarily have these habits, but they still are successful.
Having said that it is still a valuable book and at least it condenses effective ingredients behind the successes of successful people, though there may be more to it.
Hope this simple book gist of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People serves the intended purpose.