Six Sigma Multimedia

Everything related to Six Sigma, Quality, BPR & More

This section provides the Six Sigma Multimedia and all other Quality related audios and videos - all at one place. These are some of selected and recommended multimedia pieces created by other third party vendors, educators and trainers.

Watch: How Steve Jobs Thought About Quality!

This is an interview done with Steve Jobs back in 1990s. He talked about some of the basic and core issues of Quality and how it actually should be implemented. This 'Quality' related talk also clearly relates to the Six Sigma philosophy of Quality as well.

Watch: Learn About Six Sigma With An Example in Car Manufacturing Industry

You can get to know about the basics of Six Sigma and the Lean Six Sigma in a very user-friendly way. It provides you with a practical example of a car manufacturing industry.

Watch: About Six Sigma & Certification

Jennifer Bridges explains briefly about the basics of Six Sigma and the requirements for Six Sigma Certifications

Watch: The Webinar For Six Sigma White Belt 

This video can help you learn the basics of Six Sigma equivalent of White Belt Certification knowledge. With this knowledge, you can also apply these Six Sigma skills in you company and show your bosses how the Six Sigma can really help improve the products and processes.

Watch: What Yellow Belt Basics Are

As you move a bit more deeper into Six Sigma, you can move ahead to get a Six Sigma Yellow Belt Certification. This video shows you what are the basic principles and concepts that are essential knowledge for a Six Sigma Yellow Belt.